ZONED-IN: A Cognitive and non-Cognitive Skill development program.
Research (1, 2, 3, 4) has shown there are skills that are correlated with success in both school and life that are not standard components of the classroom curricula. Traditionally, however, our educational system has focused primarily on the delivery of content rather than the development of important cognitive and non-cognitive skills. Furthermore, there is certainly little or no time regularly allocated to the development of these skills in a classroom setting.That is why ZONED-IN shows you how to convert your regular classroom lessons into a cognitive and noncognitive skill development sessions. The skill training happens in real time in the classroom as an overlay on your existing lessons.
What are the differences between cognitive and non-cognitive (soft) skills?
Cognitive skills are defined as the process of how we take in information, reasoning, remembering, and relating. On the other hand, non-cognitive skills, also known as soft skills, include persistence or “grit,” self-discipline, and focus.The importance of cognitive skills.
Traditionally as educators, we present content to students, but often relegate the “HOW” of study to the home. Unfortunately, most home environments cannot provide guidance in this arena. Thus, this responsibility circles back to the classroom.ZONED-IN demonstrates pragmatic approaches to convert your traditional content lesson to one that also will train your students’ concentration and memory.