The Latest PISA results

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) recently released the PISA scores. Once again, the results indicate that the US education system is failing to provide students with the skills necessary to succeed in the 21st century. “Some 25% of...

College Board Changes SAT AGAIN!

The College Board, makers of the SAT, recently announced significant changes effective in the spring: The optional essay will disappear, and Subject Tests will no longer be offered. These changes are the latest in a series of alterations in the test that have occurred...

Attention & Focus-Crucial Learning Skills

The ability to learn relates directly to paying attention and focus. So what is the distinction between these two cognitive skills? “Attention is a natural function of the body because individuals are constantly in a state of paying attention to different aspects of...

“Happy Father’s Day?” Whose Father?

                                                  And now, for something completely different!  We await the consequences of the virus for American education. How will schools across the country reopen in the fall? In a past post, I’ve suggested that school closures...
Laura Maniglia