Research shows that procrastination causes stress, and the longer someone avoids work, the higher the stress level. While most people procrastinate occasionally, about 25% of adults identify themselves as habitual procrastinators and more than 80% of college students admit to procrastinating. Using a time management strategy called STING can combat the problem and lead to getting more done in less time. 

To start the process, make a list of pending assignments and determine whether each is a short or long term project. Then get started, following the steps below. 

Select a task. Decide what you’d like to do first. Think about attacking a difficult or distasteful task to get it out of the way.

Time yourself! Allot no more than 45 minutes to the task at hand.  If you know it will take longer, divide it into segments of 45 minutes or less. You might even want to set a timer. If you’re finished before the time you allotted, terrific!

Ignore everything else!  Now is the time to avoid distractions like email, telephone calls, or anything that will interrupt your work flow.

NO breaks! While you’re engaged in your work,  just keep going! (Remember, it’s a short duration.)

Give yourself a reward! You did it! Now take a short  break (about 5 minutes). 

Now, start the process over again until you’ve completed the tasks on that day’s list.


Laura Maniglia